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Customised Diet Plan

A healthy lifestyle can be attained by maintaining a balanced diet and keeping into consideration to meet all the essential nutrients required by the body. A proper meal plan helps to attain ideal body weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cardio-vascular and other types of cancers


  What Will You Get In Our Package?

  • Customized Diet Plan Made According To Your Body, Daily Routine And Food Preferences

  • Fun And Challenging Exercise Routines Daily For 30 Days

  • Consulting And Making Changes In The Diet Plan As Required

  • Diet Plans For Pre-Existing Disorders Like:

            *Hypo/ HyperTension (Blood Pressure Problems)

            *Hypo/ HyperThyroidism (Thyroid Problems)

            *Type 2 Diabetes (Blood Sugar Problems)

            * PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome)



     Here Are Some Of The Pictures Of Results In 30 Days 

    Nikita Jain / Lost 5.6 Kgs In 30 Days

    Rucha Dhamdhere / Lost 6 Kgs In 28 Days

    Akshada Jagdale / Lost 4 Kgs In 30 Days

    Sudeshna Kawanekar / Lost 8 Kgs In 60 Days




    Get Customized Diet Plan

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