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'Not-So-Secret' Secret behind building Quality Muscles and Losing Fat

    You may sometimes wonder why you're not able to build muscle or lose fat like you expected. You followed every exercise routine your favorite fitness icon tells you in his videos. You have noted down all the foods that give you "A lot of proteins" and have been eating them but there is no remarkable change in your body. After many years of being stuck in this same cycle I finally found the answer.

    I was stuck in the same cycle for years. Did everything, ate enough, even bought that expensive Whey isolate my trainer told me to. All these things resulted in very small muscle growth and a lot of fat build up. I did not know what I was doing wrong. Searching for blogs for "Top 10 anabolic foods" and "Get Abs in a week after following this routine" I accidentally came across this amazing book called 'Bigger Leaner Stronger' by Michael Matthews. Now I finally knew THE SECRET to building quality muscle and I am about to tell you all. 


    Yes, Maths! That's what you and I have been doing wrong. I am going to tell you how to calculate enough calories, Protein, Carbohydrates and fats.

1. Calculate your BMR

    BMR stands for Basil Metabolic Rate which is actually the number of calories your body burns while resting.

    You can type "Calculate BMR" in google search and get tons of pages where you put your body measurements and it tell you the BMR.

    Or you can use these formulas:


Women BMR = 655 + (4.35 x Weight) + (4.7 x Height) - (4.7 x Age)

Men BMR = 66+(6.23 x Weight) + (12.7 x Height) - (6.8 x Age)

Weight in Pounds, Height in Inches, Age in Years


Women BMR = 655 + (9.6 x Weight) + (1.8 x Height) - (4.7 x Age)

Men BMR = 66+(13.7 x Weight) + (5 x Height) - (6.8 x Age)

Weight in Kilograms, Height in Centimeters, Age in Years

2. Calculate you TDEE

    TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure which is the sum of your BMR and calories you burn daily doing your job and your workout.

To calculate TDEE,

For sedentary (little or no exercise)

= BMR x 1.2

For lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/ week)

= BMR x 1.375

For moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5days/week)

= BMR x 1.55

For very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week)

= BMR x 1.725

Your TDEE is the amount of calories you need to consume daily to maintain your current weight.

3.Set a Goal

    Set a realistic goal that you look forward to achieve in less than 3 months to get a good start. 

    Depending on weather you want to start by bulking or Shred right away, take account of number of calories you should be eating.

    To bulk, you will have to add about 300-400 calories in your TDEE and that will be the amount of calories you'll need to consume daily.

    To shred, you will have to eat about 300-400 less calories than your TDEE.

4.Dividing your Calories

    The type of calories you eat will decide your body structure i.e. Weather you gain more muscle or fat.

There are three Macro nutrient namely Proteins, Carbohydrates and fats.

1 Gram of Protein has 4 calories

1 Gram of Carbohydrate has 4 calories

1 Gram of Fat has 9 calories

If you are Planning on bulking, Your daily requirement should  look like this

2 grams of carbs per pound of your body weight.

1 grams of proteins per pound of your body weight.

1 Gram of fat per 3 pounds of your body weight.

For a man weighing 150 pounds looking to bulk up, the daily intake should look like

300 Grams of carbs

150 Grams of Proteins

50 Grams of Fat

This means he will be eating around 2200 calories daily.

If you are planning on shredding,

1 gram of carb per pound of your body weight

1.2 gram of Protein per pound of your body weight

1 gram of fat per 5 pounds of your body weight

For a 150 lb Man it will be

150 grams of carbs

180 grams of Proteins

30 grams of fat

which sums up to around 1600 calories

Now, if you are looking forward to fat loss, you have to keep in mind your biggest enemy. HIDDEN CALORIES!

• The two tablespoons of olive oil used to cook your chicken breast (240 calories)

• The two tablespoons of mayonnaise in your homemade chicken salad (200 calories)

• The three tablespoons of cream in your coffee (80 calories)

• The two pats of butter with your toast (70 calories)

    I know it may feel like too much work to calculate the calories in 1 tbsp spice that you used in your Baked chicken but it may become the key to your success.

Signs that you're doing it the right way

If you have a lot of fat then you should be able to lose 2-3 pounds of fat per week with this diet. 

✓You may feel a bit starved and find yourself craving for carbs for a week or two of starting the diet but after that you should be able to feel a rise in your energy levels and strength.

✓You should be able to see positive changes in the mirror every week or two. 

Contact me for any help on


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